Tauranga City

U3A is an international organisation for people in retirement to share creative, cultural, physical and leisure interests. In Tauranga there are approximately 1000 members and around 100 interest groups. Find out more Here

This Beginners’ group is for those who have never learnt French or who want to brush up on the French they studied at school - it consists of members with a love for the French language.  We are a fun group, we may visit a French café or go to a French movie. The tutor is an experienced language teacher.  Potential members should contact the Convener in the first instance.

Convener:    Linda Kennedy
Phone:   027 280 3670
Co-Convener:    Carlene McCarthy
Phone:   021 140 8701
Venue:   Piccolo Room, Patio Rose Cafe, Cambridge Rd 
Meetings:   2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
Time:   10 am - 12 noon
To join this group, please contact the convener
Group News: