Thank you to everyone who attended the inaugural meeting of U3A Katikati or sent in their apologies.
The support has been fantastic with more than 50 attending and we were pleased to meet you all.
Special thanks to those who have agreed to be on the sub committee along with Christine Pelosi and Anne Withy (Tauranga Exec). They are:
Peter Magnussen
Pam Mazoyer
Sue Sherriff
Robyne Melton
Chris Subritzky
The meeting agreed to begin under the umbrella of U3A Tauranga with local interest groups being established. General meetings with a guest speaker will be held on the second Wednesday of the month at the hub.
We are delighted to announce the following interest groups will go ahead:
Early NZ History
Walking Group (walks up to one hour)
Memoir writing
Lazy Lunch Group
French Conversation Group
Play and Poetry Reading
NZ Geology and Landforms
NZ Archeology and Pre history
Art Chat Group
Technology Group (including computer use)
Please contact the convenor of any of the above groups you may be interested in to find out where and when they might be meeting.
There was also interest shown for the following groups but no convenor to date so please contact Pam Mazoyer 021 104 2925 if you could be the convenor for one of these:
My Music
Film Group
World Affairs
Video Editing
Several other ideas were also offered but with less than 6 indicating interest so we will put those on hold for now.
Anyone is welcome to come along to the general meetings and the groups (whether you originally ticked interest or not) though you will need to become a member of U3A after attending 3 meetings. Membership forms can be downloaded from their website or hard copies are available phone Christine Pelosii 07) 549 1345 or Steve Subritzky 021 159 5613
Thanks again for your support and we look forward to seeing you all at the next monthly meeting on Wednesday May 11th
10:30am at The Hub.
Regards, Chris Subritzky