The next Katikati U3A General Monthly meeting will be held next Wednesday [8th May] at the Community Hub (the Centre - Patuki Manawa) next to the Library, from 10:00am - 12:00 noon.


The meeting starts with general business for a few minutes, followed by a short presentation by Carole Parker from Abbeyfield Western Bay of Plenty.


Morning tea will be as close to 10:30 as possible, followed at 11:00am by our guest speaker Dan Allen-Gordon BOP Regional Manager for the Graeme Dingle Foundation.


The Foundation has been operating successfully for over 30 years with school and community programmes that reach young people aged 5 to 24 helping them to be more confident, find purpose and direction and achieve success. Clearly they must be doing a lot right so we look forward to hearing about their programmes


All are welcome to our monthly meetings. There is a $3 door charge to defray costs (venue hire and morning tea).