What a fantastic day for a hike. The sun shone brightly, there was hardly any wind and the views were of the million dollar variety.
The start was the Kohi Point reserve which is a high point off the road between Whakatane and Ohope. The undulating track follows the cliff top. A beautiful centipede was lucky not to have been trodden on as it crossed our path. Every now and again magnificent views appeared through the regenerating forest and the track went through what was once a Maori pa.
The sea was like a mill-pond and White Island could be seen puffing gently away in the distance. A series of steps led us down to the large expanse of Otarawairere Bay. Walking the bay is tide dependant – unless you want wet feet. It was here that a stop was made for morning tea, sitting on a log under pohutakawa trees and gazing out at the beautiful blue of the sea with only a ripple of surf at the water’s edge. It was hard to leave this idyllic spot.
An unavoidable section of rock hopping is necessary (despite it being a Health and Safety issue)!! and this brought us to steep steps over a headland. We stopped at a most glorious vantage point. Ohope beach and Ohiwa harbour stretched into the distance and beyond that were the mountains of East Cape. Steps took us down to Ohope beach and a sheltered reserve was found for the lunch stop.
A great hike came to an end at Quay cafe where the problems of the world were solved over a good coffee. A fitting end to a memorable day.
Thanks Kathy and Graham.
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