Tauranga City

U3A is an international organisation for people in retirement to share creative, cultural, physical and leisure interests. In Tauranga there are approximately 1000 members and around 100 interest groups. Find out more Here

Card & Board Games

I am happy to have a beginner group and a playing group or a mixture of both. This is a straight forward game so any experience is not necessary. We could have our first meeting May 1 as school holidays are looming.

Convener:    Christine Selwyn
Phone:   027 294 7742
Venue:   Fairview Estate, Katikati
Meetings:   1st & 3rd  Wednesday
Time:   10 am
Vacancies   Yes
To join this group - please contact the Convener

We are a friendly relaxed group, both experienced and beginners are welcome. Teaching is available for those who know how to play but want to learn to count. However, the convener would like a 4 lesson commitment from the learner. The cost to cover expenses and the venue is $3.00. Please ring convener to enquire about vacancies.

Convener:    Susie Buchanan‐Welch
Mobile:   021 277 5027
Venue:   Coastguard Building, 72 Keith Allen Drive, Sulphur Point
Meetings:   2nd & 4th Fridays of each month
Time:   12.30 pm – 3.45 pm
Venue cost  $3.00 per visit
To join this group please contact the Convener
Group News:

This is a fun group who enjoy playing a trick-taking card game.  We are a mixed group from beginners to experienced. You are welcome to join us or come along and give it a go.

Convener:    Lesley Monteiro
Phone:   07 576 5458
Venue:   Tauranga Citizens Club, 13th Ave
Meetings:   1st & 3rd Fridays of the month
Time:   1.00 pm -  4.00 pm
To join this group - please contact the Convener