Tauranga City

U3A is an international organisation for people in retirement to share creative, cultural, physical and leisure interests. In Tauranga there are approximately 1000 members and around 100 interest groups. Find out more Here

We enjoy the company, safety and fun of hiking together in a group to explore our beautiful area. Hikes are usually within an hour of Tauranga in forest parks or along river trails and coastal tracks. Typically 4-5 hours in length the hikes require good fitness. We need boots, hiking poles are recommended and we must follow health and safety requirements. We take snacks and lunch and enjoy a cafe stop on the way home. Group has a Personal Locator Beacon.

Convener:   Robyn Luijken
Phone:   027 463 0050
Venue:   Tauranga District
Meetings:   2nd & 4th Thursday each month
Time:   Whole day, Departure 8.00 am 
To join this group please contact the Convener
Trip Reports