U3A General Meetings
The next Katikati U3A Monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday 12 February at the Community Hub (the Centre - Patuki Manawa) next to the Library, from 10:00am - 12:00 noon.
The meeting starts with general business for a few minutes. Our ‘short talk’ will kindly be given by member Stewart Cairns.
Morning tea will be as close to 10:30 as possible, and will be followed at 11:00am by our guest speaker for this month who is Sonya Korohina, Director of the Tauranga Art Gallery. Sonya will give us a little of the history of the gallery, then some insight into the collection they hold, and some idea of the future directions for the gallery, now that the library and museum projects are underway as part of the cultural centre of the city.
'Planning for the future: Reviewing your Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney"
Many people have wills and enduring powers of attorney. However, it is important to review them regularly to make sure they still accurately reflect your wishes. A legal team from Holland Beckett will be attending our meeting to discuss this with you and answer any questions you may have.'