New Group 2025:
Yoga 2:
Groups seeking New Members:
Buildings & Cities
Camera Club
Current Events D
Festival & Foreign Films
Opera Appreciation
Group Closed:
Apple Mac Support, Current Events B, Te Reo Maori
Groups in Recess:
Opera Appreciation will commence Feb 2025.
French Conversation 2.
Change of Convener:
Our thanks to the previous conveners of these groups for their leadership over the years:
Festival & Foreign Films: The temporary convener is John Russell. 07 562 3467
History of NZ: The new convener is Mary Elders. 027 143 9867
Shakespeare Group A: The new convener is Neil Murphy. 021 117 7001
Change of Group Information:
Camera Club: In 2025 we will meet at The Vines Village Theatre, 1st Monday of the month, 9.45 – 12 noon.
Suggested New Group:
Speakers Group