Tauranga City

U3A is an international organisation for people in retirement to share creative, cultural, physical and leisure interests. In Tauranga there are approximately 1000 members and around 100 interest groups. Find out more Here


New Group 2025:

Yoga 2:

Groups seeking New Members:
Buildings & Cities
Camera Club
Current Events D
Festival & Foreign Films
Opera Appreciation

Group Closed:
Apple Mac Support, Current Events B, Te Reo Maori

Groups in Recess:
Opera Appreciation will commence Feb 2025.
French Conversation 2.

Change of Convener:
Our thanks to the previous conveners of these groups for their leadership over the years:

Festival & Foreign Films: The temporary convener is John Russell. 07 562 3467
History of NZ: The new convener is Mary Elders. 027 143 9867
Shakespeare Group A: The new convener is Neil Murphy. 021 117 7001

Change of Group Information:
Camera Club: In 2025 we will meet at The Vines Village Theatre, 1st Monday of the month, 9.45 – 12 noon.



Suggested New Group:
Speakers Group