On Thursday 24th September Hikers 2 visited Katikati to walk along the Haiku Path, cross the highway and walk along the side of the Uretara River to the coast of the Tauranga Harbour.
When we met at the car park in Bethlehem it was raining, but being optimistic, we set off along SH 2.
By the time we reached our destination the sun was out, making our day in Katikati very pleasant. The Haiku Path - one of New Zealand’s Millennium Projects – is the largest collection of haiku 'stones' outside Japan and the only haiku pathway in the Southern Hemisphere. It was interesting to read some of the quotes written on these stones.
The walk along the river was very picturesque with plenty of wading birds, ducks and daffodils in sight. The houses on the edge of the reserve had beautiful gardens full of spring flowers, some of which were new varieties to our group. We enjoyed a welcome coffee at a cafe before heading home.