
Monday 23rd May 2016

We looked at page numbering and cross referencing.

  1. Page numbering
  • Click on “Insert”.
  • Click on “Page Number, under Header& Footer”.
  • Click on “Bottom of Page”.
  • Click on “Plain Number 2”.
  • This will place the number “1” in the middle of the footer.
  • Click on “Page Number/Format page numbers”.


Number format options;

Continue from previous section;

Note “Start at” option.

  1. Go to “Page Layout” on top ribbon line.
  • In Section Breaks, click on “Breaks”.
  • Click on “Next Page”.
  • Note where the cursor is. Now go to “Home and turn on paragraph marks.
  • Note where the “Section Break Next Page” is. Anything after the section break can have properties peculiar to that section, eg the page number can be changed to start at “1”. This can be done if you want to leave the first page without a number, or use i, ii, iii… or whatever format you choose for the footing number in the first section.
  • You can have as many Section Breaks as you wish.

Hyperlinking and Cross Referencing:

First, set up a numbered paragraph as below. Then,

  1. Links can be placed in text whereby you can leap from the current cursor position to a linked entry.
  • Set up a “Bookmark” in the “Insert” menu at the place in the text you want to jump to.
  • Name it, etc.
  • Note that there is a marker between the number and the text to denote the bookmark (I).
  • For this example, place the cursor at the beginning of paragraph 1 below.
  • Set up a hyperlink to it: choose the name of the bookmark you have just entered.
  • This will take you to a numbered paragraph. Do Ctl/click on this:Paragraph_1  (Note: This only works when this article is viewed in MS Word)
  • Note that hyperlinks can direct the reader to websites, other places in a document, and even to emails.
  1. This is a numbered paragraph.

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