Xmas LunchWednesday 3rd February.

We discussed:

1. Astrology, in which the general opinion was that it is one of those things that could be true. The mathematics used in forecasting were interesting and complicated. But why do the seers that publish in different media all have different forecasts?

2. If you can test it, it's not philosophy, it's psychology. Philosophy is based on thoughts, psychology is based on science.

3. Spirituality vs Superstition:

Some of the discussion covered:

It could arise from fear (of the unknown);

Lack of knowledge;

Superstition - magical meaning.

Spirituality based on fact (and faith);

Faith vs fear;

Spirituality to reside in the person;

Much spirituality is born from fear;

Spirituality is a belief that belongs to a person;

Superstition - an irrational fear of the unknown;

Spiriuality explains something.

4. How honest should aadvertsiements be? They seem to be a little more realistic and trustworthy than they used to be, but they are all designed to entice you to spend your money.