Diane Wilcox says the Lone Rangers group is now up to 38 members which is still a 'do-able' number as often people are away travelling or otherwise involved.
The group is made up of solo seniors only and has been a success in that many have made friends with others who live alone and are planning outings together.
We plan day trips,Sunday lunches, weekends away and longer journeys.I liaise With several of our local tour operators.We also go to movies,shows etc.and I like the members to participate and plan events themselves too.
In conjunction with the co-ordinator, Marianne Lammers, Diane Wilcox stated that she hesitates to accept more members because their room is getting a little crowded from time to time. Diane will look at a request to join and will accept or decline depending on how this group maps out in the near future. In the meantime Marianne can take names of members interested.