That's who we are! People living alone who wish to take a day trip, view a movie or have a weekend break, but would like to share the experience with other Rangers.

 In February a group of five Rangers travelled to Napier for the Art Deco weekend. We had a ball! Each day we 'dressed up' and attended as many events as possible,  most were free. The weather was beautiful and the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly. We only had a short walk from our motel to all the attractions.
 Other activities have included wine tasting tours, lunches and day trips. Three of our members are travelling to Europe in July and August,  while another group is planning to visit Wellington in October. Members are encouraged to initiate activities to provide a wide range of experiences for the group.
 We meet at 10 am on the second Monday of each month at the Raft Cafe, Chapel Street.
 Next Meetings
 July 11
 August 8
 September 12
 Convener--Diane Wilcock
 Article--Pat Osman ph 5444556

Lone Rangers