Articles must conform to basic rules to maintain a consistent look to the web site.

Start with a summary sentence of 10 to 40 words.

This will lead to your article from the menu page and displays before the Read More button.

Remember you are producing a web page.

Many people skim read so shorter sentences and bullet points will often convey information.

Images add to the web site,

The maximum size for most purposes will be 800 x 600 pixels with a quality of about 50% to give quick page load times. File size should be around 100 KB,

Smaller images can be within an article, a number of images can become a gallery within the article.

Layout needs to be consistent with tidy alignment.

The Group articles have a table to format the Convener information.

Text Style and Colours are set for the total web site.

This ensures we keep all articles looking professional, use bold but no other formatting please. Remember the viewer may not be using the same device as you.

Sight impaired people use readers,

How will your article read? Will the main information be read first?

Images must have an ‘alt tag’ that says what the image is about, the reader program uses this.

Metadata must be incorporated,

Please supply a short description of the article and a list of the key words in your article. Our web site gets marked regularly and we score badly for not having completed the metadata.

How to Write for the Web will give you further hints,