Hikers 1
Sixteen members and one visitor set off to do part of the Leyland O’Brien Tramline Track in the Kaimai’s.

We travelled to the end of Whakamarama Road and arrived to find a very misty morning. The track is mostly in the bush and follows the headwaters of the Ngamuwahine River with evidence of the old tramline track in many places. The track was comparatively flat with a few stream crossings and slippery areas.To our surprise the track was very muddy so our boots were given a surprise start to the year! After 1hour & 15mins we turned around and retraced our steps back to the car park.

We then drove on to Puketoki Scenic Reserve. We walked the Long Loop Track through native bush including mature Tawa & Rimu trees. There were many interesting fungi growing through out the bush because of the warm damp conditions.

We had lunch in the picnic area and then drove to TePuna Road and had coffee at the Persimmon Lane Cakery & Coffee Shop, a new café in a wonderful setting and we sat in the shade of beautiful trees and enjoyed our coffee and catching up after the holiday break.
Thelma Cane, Convener

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