Alison 074
The Hikers 2 Group were blessed with fine weather for a change on 10 November for their outing to the Orokawa scenic reserve.

Starting at Homunga Bay the group of 16 took about 3 hours to complete the hike through to Waihi Beach.
The well maintained track has some short steep parts but generally is easy walking.  There is some magnificent coastal scenery and interesting  rock formations.The track is mostly high above the coast until it reaches to the lovely Orokawa Beach about 45 mins from Waihi Beach.  We had lunch there and found several young people at the beach with two or three hardy ones swimming in the very cold sea. We had left one car at Waihi Beach to ferry four drivers back to Homunga Bay end to recover their cars.  The rest ate ice creams while waiting for the cars to get back.  Once reunited  we enjoyed the ambiance of the "Flat White" restaurant for coffee and cake.

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