Cliff Autumn38
Photography Group 1 members and partners (plus a couple of grandkids) had their end of year get together at Oropi hot pools recently.

The convenor (Glenne) had compiled the number of votes each participant had received over the year, so the winners in the set subject and open section were rewarded with prizes. The ‘Photo of the year’, the photo with the most votes, was awarded to Cliff, who was presented with his photo ‘Autumn at McLaren Falls’ mounted on a block.
It was a beautiful sunny day as we met for morning tea under the covered patio, with some later ‘taking the plunge’ in the warm water. It was so pleasant that some stayed on for lunch as well.
This year has been a good year for the group with high attendance rates and with some members publishing their own photo books, which I am sure will find pride and place on many coffee tables!

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