Here are the August set subject photos from Photography 1. The set subject was ‘Letterboxes’ and the members choice was Cliff’s ‘Rural Post Sorting Office’.
Allan-Letterbox 1 Allan-Letterbox 1
Allan-Letterbox 2 Allan-Letterbox 2
Betty-Decorated letterbox Betty-Decorated letterbox
Betty-Uncared for letterbox Betty-Uncared for letterbox
Brian-Deliver With Care Brian-Deliver With Care
Brian-Waiting with a smile Brian-Waiting with a smile
Cliff-Recycled Royal Mailbox Cliff-Recycled Royal Mailbox
Cliff-Rural Post sorting office Cliff-Rural Post sorting office
Col-J Castle 317 Col-J Castle 317
Col-Mail Mixer Col-Mail Mixer
Glenne-CATalogue CATcher Glenne-CATalogue CATcher
Glenne-Double trouble Glenne-Double trouble
Margaret M-Cameron letterboxes Margaret M-Cameron letterboxes
Margaret M-My letterbox Margaret M-My letterbox
Mary-Letters Please Or We're For The Chop Mary-Letters Please Or We're For The Chop
Mary-Partys over Mary-Partys over
Pam-Get my Drift Pam-Get my Drift
Pam-Take your pick Pam-Take your pick
Raewyn-Letterboxes with a view Raewyn-Letterboxes with a view
Raewyn-Slate Grandeur Raewyn-Slate Grandeur
Sheila-Laying in wait Sheila-Laying in wait
Sheila-Recycling at its best Sheila-Recycling at its best
Trish-Just the two of us Trish-Just the two of us
Trish-Letterbox village Trish-Letterbox village
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