Here are the photos from the Open section. The members choice was Glenne’s photo of an Ibiza Wall Lizard entitled ‘Mean green machine’.
Tap or click on the first image to view it full size and get the option to proceed through all the images.
Alan - Dammit Alan - Dammit
Alan - It's A Eubloodyphonium Alan - It's A Eubloodyphonium
Betty - A ride on a bullock cart Betty - A ride on a bullock cart
Betty - Singapore. Garden of the Bay Betty - Singapore. Garden of the Bay
Brian - Beg nicely now Brian - Beg nicely now
Brian - Gotcha Brian - Gotcha
Cliff - Summers day in Devonport Cliff - Summers day in Devonport
Cliff - Sunset silhouettes Cliff - Sunset silhouettes
Glenne - Tropical sunrise Glenne - Tropical sunrise
Glenne - Mean green machine Glenne - Mean green machine
Neville - Heads up Neville - Heads up
Neville - How a seagull gets a date Neville - How a seagull gets a date
Raewyn - Goose crossing Raewyn - Goose crossing
Raewyn - In the distance Raewyn - In the distance
Richard - Chugging along Richard - Chugging along
Richard - Old Timer in Manhatten Richard - Old Timer in Manhatten
Sheila - Golden light Sheila - Golden light
Sheila - Louren Sheila - Louren
Trish - By the seaside Trish - By the seaside
Trish - Passionfruit flower Trish - Passionfruit flower
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