The people’s choice was Richard’s ‘Forking Rocks’.
Tap or click on the first image to view it full size and get the option to proceed through all the images.
Alan-Brookfield. Alan-Brookfield.
Alan-Ovation of the Seas - the two big ones meet Alan-Ovation of the Seas - the two big ones meet
Betty-One man and his dogs Betty-One man and his dogs
Betty-Taking a chance Betty-Taking a chance
Brian-Gannet in flight Brian-Gannet in flight
Brian-Hawke Bay Brian-Hawke Bay
Cliff-Edwardian architecture Devonport Cliff-Edwardian architecture Devonport
Cliff-Victorian Architecture Tauranga Cliff-Victorian Architecture Tauranga
Eileen-Container Grown ATM Eileen-Container Grown ATM
Eileen-Pink Datura Eileen-Pink Datura
Glenne-Cape Egmont lighthouse Glenne-Cape Egmont lighthouse
Glenne-Tui Glenne-Tui
Judi-Butterfly resting Judi-Butterfly resting
Judi-Coromandel summer Judi-Coromandel summer
Lenny-Action Man Lenny-Action Man
Lenny-Lets do A Selfie Lenny-Lets do A Selfie
Margaret-Auckland city from the motorway Margaret-Auckland city from the motorway
Margaret-Steam Train Margaret-Steam Train
Richard-Forking rocks Richard-Forking rocks
Richard-Huey the tui Richard-Huey the tui
Sheila-Near Lisse Sheila-Near Lisse
Sheila-Welsh Thistle Sheila-Welsh Thistle
Trish-Nature is amazing Trish-Nature is amazing
Trish-Raindrops on roses Trish-Raindrops on roses
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