Open Section
Bill, B&W Portrait: 2 votes, Pam H, One Tree Hill: 2 votes, Margaret, Golden Bells: 1 vote
Pam P, Smooth Landing: 1 vote, Pam P, Old Time School Friend, 1 vote
Sue, In the Wild Borneo: 1 vote
Click on the first picture below to open and scroll through the gallery:
- Bill_-_B__W_Portrait Bill_-_B__W_Portrait
- Bill_-_Late_For_School_Again Bill_-_Late_For_School_Again
- Cole_-_Ducks_in_a_Row Cole_-_Ducks_in_a_Row
- Cole_-_Hi_Im_Toby Cole_-_Hi_Im_Toby
- Glen_-_South_Island_robin Glen_-_South_Island_robin
- Glen_-_Waterfall Glen_-_Waterfall
- Margaret_-_Golden_Bells Margaret_-_Golden_Bells
- Margaret_-_Monarch Margaret_-_Monarch
- PamH_-_Golden_Bay PamH_-_Golden_Bay
- PamH_-_One_Tree_Hill PamH_-_One_Tree_Hill
- PamP_-_Old_time_school_friend PamP_-_Old_time_school_friend
- PamP_-_Smooth_Landing PamP_-_Smooth_Landing
- Ross_-_Neighbour Ross_-_Neighbour
- Ross_-_Taranaki_June_23 Ross_-_Taranaki_June_23
- Sue_-_in_the_wild_Borneo Sue_-_in_the_wild_Borneo
- Sue_-_in_the_wild_Zimbabwe Sue_-_in_the_wild_Zimbabwe
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