Here are the photos from the November meeting of Photography 1. The set subject was ‘Something small’. The members choice was Glenne’s ‘An Attentive Mum’.
Tap or click on the first image to view it full size and get the option to proceed through all the images.
Alan - Hello sailor Alan - Hello sailor
Betty - A replica in Lego of the Notre Dame, Paris Betty - A replica in Lego of the Notre Dame, Paris
Betty - Owl made out of bits and pieces Betty - Owl made out of bits and pieces
Brian - Hitching A Ride Brian - Hitching A Ride
Brian - Swan Plant Seed Pod Brian - Swan Plant Seed Pod
Cliff - Flying Scotsman and 20c Cliff - Flying Scotsman and 20c
Cliff - Threading the eye of a needle Cliff - Threading the eye of a needle
Glenne - An attentive mum Glenne - An attentive mum
Glenne - Anyone home Glenne - Anyone home
Margaret - A New Family Margaret - A New Family
Margaret - Summer is coming Margaret - Summer is coming
Neville - Butterfly Neville - Butterfly
Neville - Waxeye Neville - Waxeye
Raewyn - Come join us for tea Raewyn - Come join us for tea
Raewyn - Keeping watch Raewyn - Keeping watch
Richard - Dont stare Richard - Dont stare
Richard - Here's looking at you kid Richard - Here's looking at you kid
Sheila - Bird in a teacup Sheila - Bird in a teacup
Sheila - Sorry that won't fit Sheila - Sorry that won't fit
Trish - Busy bee Trish - Busy bee
Trish - Fern fronds Trish - Fern fronds
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