These are the photos that were presented at the recent March meeting
Bill got 2 votes for 'Fantail in the Bush'and one for 'Happy in their work -
jazz festival'
Margaret got 1 for 'Red Chevy'.
Pam H got 1 for 'Taking a break'.
Pam p got 1 for 'Chinese bridge, Queens gardens, Nelson.
Ross also got 1 for 'port of Tauranga'.
Click on the first photo to open the gallery and scroll through the images
Bill_-_Fantail_in_the_Bush Bill_-_Fantail_in_the_Bush
Bill_-_Happy_in_Their_Work_-_Jazz_Festival Bill_-_Happy_in_Their_Work_-_Jazz_Festival
Glenne_-_Hibiscus Glenne_-_Hibiscus
Glenne_-__Lillies Glenne_-__Lillies
Margaret_-_Ducks_on__Maxwell Margaret_-_Ducks_on__Maxwell
Margaret_-_Red_Chevy Margaret_-_Red_Chevy
Pam_H_-_Taking_a_break Pam_H_-_Taking_a_break
Pam_H_-__What_are_they Pam_H_-__What_are_they
Pam_P_-_Chinese_Bridge_at_Queen's Gardens, Nelson Pam_P_-_Chinese_Bridge_at_Queen's Gardens, Nelson
Pam_P_-_Soulful_Bass_Player Pam_P_-_Soulful_Bass_Player
Ross_-_Bowl_Tracking Ross_-_Bowl_Tracking
Ross_-_Sisters Ross_-_Sisters
View the embedded image gallery online at: